Whats New with My Site?
Quite lot of new stuff with my site!!! As you may or may not have noticed, the site seems to have acquired a whole new looK! to be honest, i can't actually rememerb all the new stuff ive put on here, ive added a few new pages and delted a few crap ones. Ive placed a little form for feedback which can be loacated at the bottom of this very page, or by clicking Here!
No Palace Parade for Bush as Blair Gets Cold Feet By Tim Walker Sunday Telegraph
Sunday 19 October 2003
Plans for the Queen and George W Bush to make a triumphant procession along the Mall during the president's state visit next month have been abandoned because of fears of anti-war protests.
The decision, taken by Downing Street after consultations with Buckingham Palace, the White House and Scotland Yard, has disappointed the president and his senior aides.
The procession is traditionally the public high point of a state visit. A senior Palace official said yesterday that detailed plans had been made. "But Downing Street, anxious about possible anti-war protests from the start, has now decided to pull the plug on it," said the official.
"We are liaising with the White House and they have made no attempt to hide their disappointment. They saw it, obviously, as a great photo opportunity."
President Bush's trip is the first full state visit of an American president since the Queen came to the throne 52 years ago. He will travel by helicopter to avoid protesters who line road routes. Other proposed events have also been curtailed or cancelled, and he will not address Parliament because of fears of a boycott by MPs.
With anti-war campaigners, including militant Muslims, determined to make a protest during the visit, Downing Street has decided to stage photo events that they can control. The President and the Queen are expected to be photographed together during tea at Buckingham Palace and inspecting the guard.
The corkboard has been updated. please check it out by clicking here i would be much obliged if you posted a message in there as well. it looks a bit empty!
Well, for a start, this entire page is new!! i finally could be bothered putting it in. I've als0o got a counter in now, because im intrigued as to how many ppl actually come onto my site. the problem is, the counter was put up about 5 months after the website was created...ah well!!
Whats New with My Subject?
nothings changed. We must rid ourselves of a government who courts big business and lies to the people, Blair and his "new labour" policies must be gotten rid of, for the sake of the british majority and for the rest of the world.