2005 G8 Summit (UK)
  2005 G8 Summit Meeting
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The 2005 G8 Summit will be held in Britain.
This is not a rumour

The summits run on a cycle each G7 country hosts every 7 years...

G8 -Genoa 2001

The meeting of the G8 in Genoa drew a magnificent demonstration by hundreds of thousands. They were protesting against the system of inequality that bleeds developing countries dry through debt. They were calling for an end to capitalist globalisation which is run for the benefit of the rich and multinational corporations. Using overwhelmingly peaceful non-violent direct action they demanded a hearing from the world leaders who were junketing behind a wall of steel, protected by thousands of troops and police.

The reaction of the Italian state, in collaboration with other European forces, was to attack first the right of movement, then the right to demonstrate. Finally they resorted to brutal and unprovoked beatings and even murder.

Non-violent demonstrators, as well as the watching media, were attacked with tear-gas and CS gas and beaten by police. A young Italian protestor, Carlo Giuliani, was shot in the face at point blank range by paramilitary police. He died instantly.

To download a poster, remembering Carlo click here

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2005 G8 Summit Held in Britain