The ID card will be required by everyone over 16 - more than 40 million people - and cost around £40, though with concessions for the elderly and the poor. Each card will contain biometric data, such as an image of a person's iris or fingerprint, so police and other authorities can confirm the holder's identity.
Tagged, finger-printed, iris-scanned, data about us stored on a 'central database', at the mercy of government bureaucrats.Government agencies will be able to instantly link up your bank account details,
employment record, motoring offences, tax payments and any information held on you by the police or courts. Eventually they will probably be able to add data such as phone and utility bills, use of NHS services and even what school your children go to. All available at the click of a button
Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy said history showed that rushed law changes supported by all UK parties had tended to be bad legislation.
He added that ID cards had failed to stop terrorism in other countries - such as France, Spain and Italy - where they were already in place.