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2005 - G8
Labour is traditionally portrayed as being a left-wing party - its agendas focused on the people of Britain. With New Labour, this obviously is not the case - Blair has pushed Labour towards the right, effectively giving Britain 2 conservative partys. The Tories, and New Labour are the two largest partys in the UK, both represent and focus issues on the upper class, the ruling "elite" - a minority of the most powerful people. These partys are corporate run, in this situation the people are not in the governments primary interest meaning that the very core of democracy in Britain has been savagely eaten by greedy, bigoted capitalists. There is an unequal distribution of power amongst society and the ordinary person (the majority) are pushed down, suppressed thought very subtley by these bigots. Elite theorists suggest that power in the UK is held by a small minority of people who use it for their own GREED. This is NOT in the interest of the people and democracy.
Now, if you have suddenly been turned against them, or have been already before you came onto to this site - VOICE YOUR OPINION!!! Show your disgust! Civil disobediance is a key method to getting what the people deserve, what the people NEED. One way of civil disobediance is to show your feelings by wearing clothes stating your discontent with their system - and unlike grafiti its not illegal, thought it is more effective as more people will be able to see you and read it. Feel free to browse through, get ideas or even buy off me!:-p
BLAIROUT! tank top
Ahh, my first step into getting innovative about political statements and making clothes...a terribly simple achievement, but i felt that the results were quite good. It may not look like much from the images shown, thats because it has had a lot of wear and tear, ive been to several gigs in it and it has survived. The ront image cant be seen very clearly, the front design says rather suprisingly "BLAIROUT!" - this was written with paint which is nearly impossible to wash off, i didnt use apecail material pen stuff, cos there too expensive and at least this way you get a "rougher" look - hahahaha!!! the back is are Anti-Flag lyrics, my favourite song - No Borders, No Nations. there is a ripped, torn british flag underneath which says rather unclearly "blairout". The sleeves have been ripped off a normal black tshirt and has been slit down the side and joint bak up with safety pins. All together this came to about £10 to make, i hope ive inspired you here, if you feel you want something similar its very easy and relatively cheap, be innovative and creative. if you cant be bothered making one yourself, email me with your details and ill make one for you and you will also get the official "blairout!" style - with the pirate mouse logo!!! its a baaargin!!!! contact me
tony bliar t-shirts |
well basically, i intend to create some kind of outfit made mainly out of a large union jack - obviously slightly burned and with anti-blair propaganda etc on it. im slightly confused as to what to do with it, so i would be very obliged if someone gave me some ideas for it, click here. cheers!